Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave
Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel

Auteur : Edward T. Welch

Addiction, according to Welch, is when we worship ourselves and our desires instead of the true God. _

A worship disoder. Will we worship ourselves and our own desires, or will we worship the true God ? Scripture reveals addicts’ true condition : like guets at a banquet thrown by ‘the woman Folly’, they are already in the grave. (Prov. 9:13-18). Can we not escape our addictions ? Following Jesus, we have « immense hope that God can give power so that we are no longer mastered by the addiction."

By emphasizing the role of the heart in the worship of self and substance, Welch forces the addict to face the grim reality that who or what he worships will control his life.As a pastor, biblical counselor, and a redeemed (not recovering) ex-heroin addict, I believe Dr. Welch has finally given every pastor, theologian, layman, and anyone caught in the bondage of idolatry/addiction a biblical road map to true and lasting freedom.

Part of a series : Resources for Changing Lives.

Welch Edward T.


Edward T. Welch, psychologue diplômé, fait partie du corps enseignant de la Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) , qui propose une formation à la relation d’aide chrétienne ainsi qu’un soutien psychologique et pastoral fondé sur la Bible. Lui-même conseiller en relation d’aide depuis bien des années, il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont plusieurs sont parus en français chez différents éditeurs.

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Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave - Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel
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