Not I But Christ
The Christian's relationship with Jesus explained from the life of David

Auteur : Roy Hession

This is a book of wonderful theology, that goes to the heart of our difficulties as humans and as Christians, and portrays it through the beautiful story of David’s life. “The story of the Bible can be regarded simply as the story of two men, Adam and Christ. It is the story of the sin of the first man and his failure to fulfil God’s intentions, and the coming of the second Man to rescue the first from his miseries and take over from him. And the story continues right up to the present, for Adam lives today as surely as Jesus Christ does. “The Old Testament is full of types and foreshadowings of Christ, and nowhere in its pages is the story of the first man and the second Man so clearly typified as in the history of Israel’s first two kings, Saul and David. I am not concerned merely to show the beautiful parallels between David and Christ, but to see in it all a pictorial presentation of certain great truths of the New Testament with regard to the Christian life, notably of the words, ‘not I, but Christ’—perhaps the most complete description in the New Testament of the heart of the Christian life and how it is to be lived.” — ROY HESSION

“This is devotional writing of a very high quality.”—DAVID WINTER

Roy Hession’s first book, The Calvary Road, has been an international best-seller, with millions of copies sold.

Hession Roy


Évangéliste anglais de renom, Roy Hession (1908-1992) a eu un ministère international qui l'a conduit, à de nombreuses reprises, en France et en Suisse. Il est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont Le chemin du calvaire.

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Not I But Christ - The Christian's relationship with Jesus explained from the life of David
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