Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1
Grace For Today

Auteur : John F. MacArthur

A Christian devotional on the person of Christ

As a Christian, you are called to live like Jesus—a life of courage, joy, passion, and purpose. Forget about the boring stuff—Jesus calls you to new commitment and new strength.

In this first volume of Daily Readings from the Life of Christ, highly acclaimed author and speaker John MacArthur focuses primarily on the Gospel of Matthew, which highlights Jesus as the promised Messiah. Your hungry heart will again be fed and focused on God’s Word, with insights on the life of Jesus, thoughts to ponder, and wisdom gleaned from years of MacArthur’s careful study.

Practical and encouraging, these pages are sure to challenge and uplift your heart as you come face-to-face with the infinite wonders of our Savior’s life on this earth.

MacArthur John F.


Diplômé de la Faculté de Théologie de Talbot (USA), le Dr John MacArthur est pasteur principal de «l’Eglise de la Grâce» de Sun Valley (Californie). Conférencier et professeur réputé, il anime un programme quotidien d’évangélisation diffusé sur plus de 1000 stations de radio en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Afrique et en Océanie. Il est l’auteur de plus de 70 ouvrages dont, aux éditions La Maison de la Bible et Impact, Demeurez fermes, Évangile selon Paul, En Jésus seul, La bonne nouvelle etc.

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Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 - Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 - Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 - Grace For Today
Daily Readings From the Life of Christ, Volume 1 - Grace For Today
18,96 €
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