Stand Firm
Living in a Post-Christian Culture

Auteur : John F. MacArthur

The Christian life is a war for holiness. Our calling to be set apart lands us in the crosshairs of a culture that opposes God’s truth. Even as the world around us is changing, our battle remains the same. To withstand the temptation to compromise in sin or retreat from suffering, Christians must hold fast to God’s Word. Only then can we live well for the Lord.

In Stand Firm : Living in a Post-Christian Culture, Dr. John MacArthur drafts biblical battle plans for maintaining a life of Christian faithfulness. God has revealed what kind of people we are to be in a hostile world, and by His Word and Spirit, He supplies us with everything we need to persevere in holiness, humility, and love.

MacArthur John F.


Diplômé de la Faculté de Théologie de Talbot (USA), le Dr John MacArthur est pasteur principal de «l’Eglise de la Grâce» de Sun Valley (Californie). Conférencier et professeur réputé, il anime un programme quotidien d’évangélisation diffusé sur plus de 1000 stations de radio en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Afrique et en Océanie. Il est l’auteur de plus de 70 ouvrages dont, aux éditions La Maison de la Bible et Impact, Demeurez fermes, Évangile selon Paul, En Jésus seul, La bonne nouvelle etc.

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Stand Firm - Living in a Post-Christian Culture
Stand Firm - Living in a Post-Christian Culture
Stand Firm - Living in a Post-Christian Culture
Stand Firm - Living in a Post-Christian Culture
16,02 €
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