Finding Our Way From Duty To Delight

Auteur : James Innell Packer - Carolyn Nystrom

Reflections on the nature and practice of prayer by two respected authors.

If we are honest, most of us struggle with our praying at least some of the time. Perhaps we have difficulty finding time to pray, or maybe we simply do not know what to say. Praying may seem simple and straightforward in theory, but in reality it can be hard work.

In Praying J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom offer hope to us in our efforts to pray better. They present praying as both a duty and a delight : an essential, expected practice for a follower of Christ, but also a privilege and joy. With wisdom, humility and sincerity they lead us through different moods or types of praying. Yet they do not just teach us about prayer ; they also challenge and inspire us to do it by pointing us to a clearer understanding of the character of God.

Here is practical help for active, honest praying that involves all of who we are - heart, hands and head - and moves us to deeper obedience, joy and intimacy with our Father.

Packer James Innell


James I. Packer est titulaire d’un doctorat en théologie obtenu en 1954 à l’Université d’Oxford. Il a été pasteur de l’Église Anglicane pour très vite s’orienter vers les institutions d’enseignement au Tyndale Hall où il a enseigné jusqu’en 1961 pour ensuite assumer le poste de doyen au Latimer House  jusqu’en 1970. Cette année là, il retourne à Bristol pour assumer le poste de doyen du Trinity College. En 1979, il quitte le Royaume-Uni pour s’installer à Vancouver au Canada où il devient professeur de théologie systématique et de théologie historique au Regent College. James Innell Packer est considéré comme l’un des évangéliques les plus influents d’Amérique du Nord. Il est l'auteur du bestseller Connaître Dieu qui a été traduit dans de nombreuses langues et tiré à des centaines de milliers d’exemplaires.

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Praying - Finding Our Way From Duty To Delight
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